First time in History – Inaugural RSA Junior Sedans Australian Title
Racing Sedans Australia in conjunction with Portland District Motor Sports Club is excited to announce the Inaugural RSA Junior Sedans Australian Title to be held at Cullen Bullen Raceway on the 24th of November 2018. RSA continues to make history. Last season saw our first ever Junior Sedan Qld Title at Archerfield Speedway where an awesome field of talented young drivers competed to win the Queensland State Crown! This is going to be even bigger!
Nominations are NOW open!
Nominations are open to all currently registered 2018-2019 (Division 3 Junior Sedans) R.S.A Junior Sedans and other currently registered 2018-2019 Junior Sedans only but only vehicles that meet and do not exceed the current specifications of the RSA Inc Junior Sedans and must register with an RSA club prior to nominations closing.
Come One Come All!
Junior Sedan registered vehicles from other associations are most welcome but they must be presented and run only to the maximum RSA specifications and must of competed in a minimum of 2 race meetings as shown by logbook entry and must provide log book with proof of meetings on the day with RSA AND, if any nominating driver is at all unsure of their vehicle, or any part thereof, meeting and/or exceeding current R.S.A specifications, please contact the R.S.A BEFORE nominating so issue /s may be fully explained and adjudicated on before any possible approval for competition at this event is granted.
Nominate NOW!
This season sees the new Online Nomination system going live on our new website. This will be the new method for nominating for all State and Australian Titles for all RSA divisions with the Junior Sedan Australian Title being the first title to use this nomination method – yes more history making!
To nominate simply click on the button below to be taken to the nomination form on our website – just follow the steps – easy!
Go On – You know you want to!