Association Online Document Library


A Complete List of RSA Forms and Documents

  • Racing Sedans Australia Constitution

Below you will find a button to view and download the current Racing Sedans Australia Inc. constitution.

  • Annual Application for Club Affiliation

It is a requirement that each club that wishes to be affiliated with Racing Sedans Australia completes a new “Club Affiliation Form” each season.

The form is to be completed by a club representative and the application is not complete until the appropriate fee has been received by the RSA. The affiliation period begins on the 1st of July and ends on the 30th of June each year. Use the button below to view and complete the online application.

If you require further information or have any questions please complete the contact form on this page.

  • RSA Officials License Registration Form

It is a requirement under the association guidelines that all people taking on a role as a scrutineer or steward at any event involving cars registered through the RSA hold a current and valid “RSA Officials License card” in conjunction with the appropriate Speedway Australia License. Use the button below to view and complete the online form.

If you require further information or have any questions please complete the contact form on this page.

  • Application to construct NEW Junior Sedan


It has been decided that on the construction of New Junior Sedans being built, we have agreed that all NEW Junior Sedans being constructed will need to apply to the RSA for approval first.

Why this is being done.

  1. Most of the Junior Sedan spec book was written in the days of carby-engined cars and the additional provisions for EFI-engined cars have resulted in cars being built that were never intended when the original specifications were developed.
  2. Some newer makes and models may not be suited to speedway racing by virtue of their design characteristics.
  3. Consideration needs to be given to the parity implications of newer makes and models being built, especially for cars not running the original engine they were manufactured with.
  4. Given the above, the committee feels it is appropriate that some level of control is implemented for cars that are being built that the RSA is expected to register so they can race in the RSA Junior division. Note that this only applies to NEW cars, not existing cars that have been registered.

How does someone go about getting a car approved.

  1. Fill out the form and get your club to submit it to the RSA Secretary (please include some pictures of the vehicle)
  2. Once approved a letter will be sent back to the owner via their affiliated club and the letter is to be attached to the back of the logbook.

This will come into effect effective immediately as of the 19th of May 2022. 

  • Application for Junior Training Program - Registration Form

Please use the button below to view and download a copy of the Junior Training Program – Registration Form.

  • RSA Annual Race Car Registration Form

As part of the annual car registration procedures, all car owners are required to complete an “Annual Race Car Registration Form”. This form is to be completed and submitted by the car owner. It can either be submitted prior to or at the same time as the “Vehicle Registration Inspection Form” (Green sheet) when the car is “Daylighted”.

Cars can be Green sheeted from the 1st June.

This form does not need an RSA steward to have any input. Use the button below to view and complete the online form.

If you require further information or have any questions please complete the contact form on this page.

Contact RSA for Information:

Association Rule and Divisional Specification Change Submission Process.


Association Rule: – This covers anything that is suggested for all divisions and is NOT part-specific. i.e. relating to “Blue Ribbon” events etc.

  • Club Member Specification Submission Form

Step One: open 14th May – close 5th June.

Club members complete this form prior to the club member submission closing date. Once this form is completed and submitted it will be sent to the club secretary of the club selected below.  

  • Club Combined Specification Submissions Form

Step Two: open on 6th June – close on 19th June.

The selected club collates all submissions and holds a meeting to vote on which of their members’ submissions they, as a majority, wish to submit to Racing Sedans Australia. The club secretary will then submit these to the RSA, prior to the club submission closing date by way of a password-protected online form. Details of this form along with the password will be sent to the clubs through their official email address

  • Club Supported Specification Voting Form

Step Three: open on 19th June – close on 3rd July.

Racing Sedans Australia then compiles lists of club-supported submissions and emails them out to all clubs to be voted on. Only clubs with cars registered in the division selected on the submission form are eligible to vote! The submissions are voted on as they are submitted. That is, as they are worded in the submission. No changes can be made to the wording.  


STEP FOUR: Once all meeting results have been received by the RSA or as of the submissions closing date, the RSA  will count the votes and release the results. Specifications will be successful if they carry a majority vote only. The RSA when then notify all clubs of the final voting results.

Submission Period Now Closed

Club Member Specification Submission Form

The submission period opened on the 14th of May and Closed on the 5th of June

STEP TWO – Club Combined Specification Submissions Form is now open.

Club Combined Specification Submissions Form Now Closed

Club Combined Specification Submissions Form

The submission period opened on the 6th of June and Closed on the 19th of June

STEP THREE – Club Supported Specification Voting Form is now open.